Work with me.
I am happy to hear from brands and PRs to work together on; Sponsored posts, Product reviews, Services, Competitions and Advertising to name a few.
Please feel free to contact me on to discuss potential collaborations.
A little bit about me…
Born and raised in the South West of England, I come from a big (ish) family of Asian descent. A legal professional who is a blended creation of the meeting of two (or maybe more) worlds. In other words someone who spent the best part of her life torn between two cultures. Haha I jest, although an element of truth in there but I would like to think I now have a healthy balance of all cultures associated to me. I was told once It’s all about picking and choosing your favourite parts of each and embracing them.
Have you ever met those people who seem to have fingers in every pie, intellectually and culturally speaking? You know the type. Just when you assume they’re prim and proper their playlist will skip to a hip hop track with unsavoury undertones. When you have them pegged as serious and strapped into a fixed form, you notice they enjoy the tedious release of Chelsea ‘reality’ tv…
Hmm surprisingly, that pretty much sums me up. The latter is a ‘guilty pleasure’, please don’t judge me……yet.
This blog is, for enjoyment and pleasure or whatever you want it to be, I assure you my dear readers it is not a remnant to my middle child upbringing although I cannot be sure of this but alas that is a blog for another day. 🙂
Here you will find a concoction of topics, ranging from travel, product reviews, fashion to name a few, most recently the posts will be embracing motherhood without losing myself in the process. 🙂 There are a fair few ideas floating around of what I want included, feedback is always welcome, enjoy the ride readers.
Disclaimer: I am prone to tongue in cheek rants. All views are my own. On occasion my blogs may be moderated by The Mister, you could say my steady hand of reality, a blunt bubble or a bursting reminder of life. Hehe.